Child Control programı bir bilgisayar kontrol ve yönetme programıdır.
Program çocuk kontrol paneli üzerine kurulmuştur. Bu çocuk kontrol
sorumluluğunu olanaklı kılan bir özelliği bulunuyor. Çocuk kontrolünün
yapmanıza olanak sağlıyor.
Computers are the place for children. This is the place where they can
sharpen their agility as well as their abilities. They can learn and
make new friends. What?s more, the Internet provides information for
homework assignments. So far, so good. But they also need to be
protected from the computer?for one thing, so that they don?t lose
their sense of time and forget to go out and play with their friends
once in a while, and for another, because of the dangers lurking on the
Web. That?s why responsible parents everywhere install Child Control on
every computer that their children use.
Child Control 2007 keeps track of the time your kids spend in front of
the computer. Once their time is up, the computer automatically shuts
down and won?t start up again?something any kid can understand. Our
experience has shown that Child Control 2007?s verdict is accepted
without arguments?there is no debate and no discussion. Another way of
looking at it: ?Child Control gives your kids back time that they are
then free to spend in other ways.?