WordFusion Pro v2.545 | 41.7 MB WordFusionform ve belge otomasyon çözümüdür. Depolama, düzenleme ve yeniden
kullanmanız için form tasarlamanızı sağlar. Ek olarak yüksek kaliteli
belge otomasyon yapısı ile birikmiş bilgilerden karmaşık formları
WordFusion ile hazırlayabilirsiniz.
WordFusionherhangi bir amaç için hazırlanan formları kullanıcı dostu hale
getirmenizi ve yüksek derecede form özelleştirmeleri için kaliteli bir
tasarlayıcıya sahiptir.
WordFusion ayrıca Microsoft Access, Excel, SQL Server ve diğer birçok veritabanının içindeki verileri alabilir.
In addition to the features provided by WordFusion
WordFusion Pro provides
a rich form desinger with scripting and drag and drop data integration.
WordFusion Pro is a powerful Forms and Document Assembly solution which
includes mail merge and much more. It can produce complex documents in
Microsoft Word Format from information collected using its fully
featured document assembly engine. The WordFusion Pro document assembly
engine features merge text, conditional sections, repeating sections,
list formatting full scripting capabilities and more to provide the
power to create documents of any complexity.
WordFusion also
provides email functionality that supports Microsoft OutLook, standard
MAPI clients and Lotus Notes. With custom email body, automatic
document attachment, optional attachments and options to save in
drafts, send imediatley or open in your email editor WordFusion
provides a unique soution for managing and delivering personalized
email messages
A forms and document assembly solution built
using WordFusion can help professional organizations streamline
document creation, improve the quality of documents, ensure use of
up-to-date-content, and increase employee productivity.